Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) replace Humans?

There is a lot of discussion now about how or when AI will replace Humans. Well if we take a step back and review the chain of events over the decades, we will remember that Technology replacing certain humans in jobs is nothing new.

First let us review the history.

Industrial Revolution – 1760

This was when technology started replacing manual human labour. Machines started replacing some tasks in agriculture, manufacturing and skilled crafts like hand weaving.

Office Automation and Computers – Mid 1900s

Advancements of mainframe and personal computers in offices started automating clerical and repetitive tasks.

Post World War 2 – 1945 to 1980

Major developments in farm technologies replaced manual human labour with significant agricultural changes.

Modern Robotics and Automation – 1950s to Present Day

Starting with the first programmable arms, followed by advancements in AI and computer technology then the rise of machine learning.

With advancements come changes and these changes should be seen as progress. Just like with the Internet, we should all embrace AI and the changes that come with it. This article from 2016 looked at where machines could and couldn’t replace humans.

AI will be perfect for the repetitive tasks which would free people to work on strategic problem solving activities. Just like Doctors experienced with voice dictation helping to reduce reporting time.

Another article, this time from HBR describes how we should see it. AI should be seen as augmenting not replacing humans. There are many things that AI cannot do, well currently anyway. AI lacks social skills and adaptability to be able to replace humans in areas requiring empathy or interaction.

We should all pay attention to AI developments and see how we can “adjust and retrain” accordingly to the new world.